The Vice-Chancellor's Quality Council
The Vice-Chancellor's Quality Council (RKR) works on behalf of, and reports to, the Vice-Chancellor. RKR functions as a strategic-operational platform to promote the university's overall goals and vision and has an advisory role towards the Vice-Chancellor.
With a focus on the university's quality work in education and research, RKR shall:
- Drive and advise on issues that can support the university's strategic plan and vision.
- Contribute to the overall strategic direction of the university.
- Participate in the preparation of cases.
- Create the conditions for implementing the university's decided goals and strategies.
Aspects on quality work in education and research
We welcome aspects from employees and students regarding the institution's quality work in education and research. If you have questions, comments or suggestions for improvement, do not hesitate to contact the administrator at RKR (see contact details below). Employees at the departments also have the opportunity to contact the academy representative at their own department, while students can contact either the academy representative at the relevant department or the student unions.
The work in RKR is led by the vice-rector for education and quality and also includes deans, an academy representative from each department, student representatives and an administrator from the Education and Research Planning unit.
Chairman of the Rector's Quality Council
- Sara Thorgren, Vice Chancellor for Education and Quality
Persons included in the Rector's Quality Council
- Karl Andersson, Dean of the Technical Faculty Board
- Nina Björnsson, Student representative, Luleå Student Union
- Rickard Garvare, Academy representative at ETKS
- Hampus Gustavsson, Student representative Teknologkåren.
- Jens Hardell, Academy representative at TVM
- Clas Kröger, Official
- Johan Lugnet, Academy representative at SRT
- Lars Nyberg, Academy representative at HLT
- Marcus Sandberg, Academy representative at SBN
- Annica Sandström, Dean at the Philosophy Faculty Board
Marlen Aasa-Chapman