Jubilee alumni of the year 2011
In connection with the 40th anniversary celebration of Luleå University of Technology in 2011, four anniversary alumni were appointed at the Jublieumsfesten on October 15. Now an alumnus was awarded for each decade the university has existed. About 30,000 students have graduated from Luleå University of Technology since it was founded in 1971. The award was presented by Vice-Chancellor Johan Sterte and the two former Vice-Chancellors Ingegerd Palmér and Torbjörn Hedberg.
Winners in the category of students who graduated in the '70s
Elisabeth Nilsson (70s) has a degree in mining engineering (MSc in geotechnology, graduated in 1976) from Luleå University of Technology and has worked at SSAB Tunnplåt in Luleå, was CEO of SSAB Merox, and production manager responsible for the Metallurgy unit at SSAB Oxelösund, where she was also a member of the management team. She was appointed CEO of Jernkontoret in 2005. Elisabeth has also served on the board of the Swedish Maritime Administration. In 2007 she was elected as a member of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. On March 11, 2010, she was appointed by the government as Governor of Östergötland County.
Winner in the category of students who graduated in the '80s
Lars-Eric Aaro (80s) is the President and CEO of the LKAB Group, a Swedish high-tech mineral group that produces iron ore and other mineral products. Within the LKAB Group, he has held several positions, most recently as Senior Vice President Sales & Marketing. Previously, he worked at the Boliden Group where he held various positions, as Mine Manager in the Aitik copper-gold mine and later as head of the lead-zinc division. He has also worked for the Outokumpu Group as Mine Manager in the Viscaria copper mine. Lars-Eric Aaro is a mining engineer with a master's degree from Luleå University of Technology. He is an honorary doctor at LTU and he is a member of IVA, the Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Winners in the category of students who graduated in the 1990s
Karin Thörnqvist (90s) graduated in 1990 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. She gained national attention when she worked as a consultant in the multi-million dollar project "Mätning 09" for Göteborg Energi. Karin became increasingly critical of the way the project was managed and after a while she warned the company management that Göteborg Energi had not received what it had paid for, as the project manager was suspected of running errands for the suppliers. In 2006 she started her company QTE Törnqvist AB which is a consultancy for "Quality time and efficiency projects".
Winner in the category of students who graduated in the 2000s
Per-Ludvig Normark (00s) founded after his degree in Computer Engineering in 2001, he founded, together with other alumni and students from LTU, the company Nordnav which was then sold on for several million. He then founded 7igroup where he is currently CEO.