"Small and medium-sized enterprises are growth engines for economic and social development"
Norrlandsnavet is the new center for business development in northern Sweden - a collaboration between the Kamprad Family Foundation and Luleå University of Technology. The center, which will operate for eight years, targets small and medium-sized enterprises in the region that are ready to take the step towards development.
NorrlandsNavet will, through knowledge development based on the needs of northern companies, help to strengthen their competitiveness. It was Ingvar Kamprad's will when he bequeathed half of his private assets to the Kamprad Family Foundation.
Both Viktoria Mattsson, Head of Collaboration, External Financing and Innovation at Luleå University of Technology, and Vinit Parida, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, think it is honorable and fun that the foundation chose the university as a partner.
- With Luleå University of Technology's successful experience of working closely with companies in the region and nationally, we are among the most suitable candidates to lead such a center, says Vinit Parida.
NorrlandsNavet is aimed at all companies that want to develop their business.
Vinit Parida, who is also the scientific leader of the center, says that the focus will be on small and medium-sized enterprises, as they are seen as growth engines for economic and social development. "The goal is to establish a close collaboration between the center and SMEs to boost innovation, growth and social development in the region.
- To achieve this goal, we will bring together competencies and expertise from different departments and research subjects at Luleå University of Technology, says Vinit Parida.
The center will offer help in four different categories: collaborative research, education as part of lifelong learning, students active in companies and dissemination of new knowledge. Viktoria Mattsson says NorrlandsNavet will be able to help in a number of ways. For example, finding training and skills enhancement activities that can lift the company and its employees, or the company can have the opportunity to participate in various types of projects and events where students, researchers and doctoral students come together to solve specific needs and challenges.
- At the same time, NorrlandsNavet will be able to collect needs that are general for several companies and thus come up with solutions to these challenges and problems, which in turn can strengthen the companies, says Viktoria Mattsson.
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