Component design for 3D printing - metal | T7027T
The course covers the topic of additive manufacturing in metal, also known as 3D printing. It is a course where students will learn about different techniques, but especially about the most common one which is laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB/M) which also provides material quality like forged materials. In addition, about half of the course is a project work, where students will develop some tool or component in collaboration with some external organization. For this we are looking for interested partners, who have an idea for a new or existing part that students can develop.
Facts about the course: Component design for 3D printing - metal
9 weeks
Number of students per project
Year group
Production, Logistics & Maintenance/Aerospace Engineering
No cost
How it works
The students work in groups during the course through iterations in the development of the component/detail and will also carry out simulation of how well it can be printed. It is also good to have meetings (and in some cases study visits) to develop the ideas of how to develop the functions of the component.
What does the client/company get?
The company gets a design for one of its existing components, or for something new. We can also offer to print samples that can be tested and used (at cost or, in exceptional cases, free of charge).
Expression of interest
- Register your interest here
External link, opens in new window.
(Opens in Swedish)
Jan Frostevarg
- Biträdande professor
- 0920-491675
- Jan Frostevarg