Environmental geochemistry | L7022K, L7003K, L7004K
In environmental geochemistry, we study geochemical processes and trace sources of pollution in water systems.
Facts about the course: Environmental geochemistry
January or September
8 or 16 weeks, full-time or 50%.
Number of students per project
Year group
Mining, Metallurgy and Chemistry/Energy, Sustainability and Environment
No cost
During this course the student will independently design, implement and present a project in environmental geochemistry. The students will perform laboratory and field work in accordance with project partners and/or stakeholders. Results from the project are independently analysed, verified and visualized using relevant geo-software (e.g. IoGAS, QGIS, PHREEQC, etc.). The results must be put into perspective with relevant and recent scientific references. Interpretation of data based on geochemical concepts and processes will be presented in a written report or in the form of a scientific paper. At the end of the project period, students present their work in an oral presentation to relevant stakeholders, project partners and the Applied Geochemistry group at LTU.
This means that the student after completing the course should:
be able to formulate a relevant purpose based on a given problem in geochemistry
plan, structure and carry out a project within given time frames.
assess the scientific and practical relevance of the results obtained.
express themselves well in writing and orally
carry out an oral presentation of the project's results, argue and defend the conclusions reached for relevant stakeholders.
The length of the course varies, which also determines the scope of the project.
What does the client/company get?
Opportunity to run a research-based project in environmental geochemistry, which preferably can form the basis for a thesis or master's thesis. We have the opportunity to characterize soils, rocks and water systems during laboratory or field work. Our work includes tracing sources of pollution or geochemical processes in natural and anthropogenically influenced systems. The information obtained can provide valuable information to increase knowledge of underlying geochemical processes related to a current environmental problem.
Furthermore, the company will be able to get in touch with the students (potential future employees) and assess their ability to independently carry out projects.
How does it work?
The client/company defines its question/idea/problem and contacts Applied Geochemistry. Together with an interested student, the supervisor and the client define a project to be implemented by the student. Regular project meetings between supervisor and student take place regularly to follow up the work. Finally, the results will be presented during an oral presentation and in the form of a written report or scientific article.
What is required from the client
- That there is an environmental problem to be solved. The problem must be limited to the level of a student from grade 3 onwards.
- The project aims to increase knowledge that can contribute to solving an environmental issue.
- A contact person at the company, who needs to be familiar with the problem and interested in the assignment.
Participate in meetings as needed. The number of meetings varies but about 3-4 meetings
Positive with visits for students at the company/client.
- Course plan for Environmental Geochemistry L7022K Course plan
External link.L7004K
External link.
- Syllabus L7003K
External link.
Expression of interest
- Register your interest here
External link, opens in new window.
(Opens in Swedish)
Lena Alakangas
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-491396
- lena.alakangas@ltu.se
- Lena Alakangas