Interactive system design | D7048E
Besides getting a software project done, you will also contribute to the development of our students. You will establish good contacts with the students for future collaborations.
Facts about the course: Interactive System Design
10 weeks
Number of students per project
about 3-5
Data, IT and electronics
No cost
This is a chance for IT companies to propose, manage and implement a small software project together with our students. The students, in groups of three to five, will work on and create an interactive system, based on psychological, technical and application-specific needs.
What does the client/company get?
Besides carrying out a software project for free, you will also contribute to the development of our students. You will establish good contacts with the students for future collaborations such as thesis or longer term employment. At the same time, you get the chance to show job opportunities within the region and can contribute to more students staying and developing the region.
Of course, you also create good contacts with Luleå University of Technology and can apply for this annual collaboration for future software projects. Finally, you also get the opportunity to attend the students' final presentation of the completed project and learn about the software design in, for example, UML.
What is required by the client?
- A selling problem statement including expected results (in Swedish or English) in the form of 1-2 A4.
- A contact person at the company who is familiar with the problem and interested in the assignment.
- Visit in Luleå to present the challenge at the beginning of the course.
- Attend meetings when the need arises. The number of meetings varies but expect about 1 meeting a week. The meeting can be held at the link.
- Guest lecture
Expression of interest
- Register your interest here
External link, opens in new window.
(Opens in Swedish)