Research projects in biochemical process engineering | B7005K & B7007K
Planning the experimental design and carrying out the experimental work in close cooperation with the lab supervisor.
Facts about the course: Biochemical Process Engineering
August and January, held twice a year.
20 weeks
Number of students per project
Year group
Energy, sustainability and environment
No requirement but may occur. According to agreement with the student.
The aim of the course is to carry out a research project at biochemical process engineering laboratories. The project topic will be chosen in cooperation with the course examiner and related to modern research and development. After determining the research topic, the student will independently design and carry out the project. This includes developing the experimental design, performing the experiments and analytical work, analysing the generated data and reporting them in writing and orally. During the project, the student will be supported by a laboratory supervisor who will be assigned to the student based on the chosen topic. Examination is through a written report and oral presentation.
What results can we as a company expect?
The student will have the opportunity to engage in current research in biochemical process engineering/biotechnology. It will involve participation in niche research areas, learning advanced techniques, involving microbial cells, enzymes and other thermochemical techniques in green biorefinery and CO2 sequestration processes. In addition, the student will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with advanced analytical techniques and learn how to use them and troubleshoot common problems. This will give the student actual hands-on training with multiple research and analytical tools that will convey benefits to the client/company as the student will receive high quality graduate training.
How does it work?
The Biochemical Process Engineering group offers a wide range of research projects in the field of biorefineries and CO2 sequestration processes. Before starting the project, we want to discuss with the student their ideas and build a tailored research project that fits the student's ambition. The student will then be assigned a laboratory supervisor who will provide relevant literature for the research project and training in the necessary techniques and equipment. The student will then plan the experimental design and carry out the experimental work in close collaboration with the lab supervisor.
What is required from you as a company?
- A problem formulation (in Swedish or English).
- Desired result
- A contact person. Contact persons at the company need to be familiar with the problem and genuinely interested in the assignment.
- Attend meetings if necessary. The number of meetings varies, roughly 3-4 meetings and preferably a visit to the workplace for the students.
Expression of interest
- Register your interest here
External link, opens in new window.
(Opens in Swedish)
Leonidas Matsakas
- Associate Professor
- 0920-493043
- Leonidas Matsakas