Social development from an environmental law perspective | J7008N
Societal development from an environmental law perspective where the work will involve a subject-specific in-depth study of environmental and natural resource law.
Facts about the course: Social development from an environmental law perspective
Apply by
20 weeks
Number of students per project
Law/Environmental and natural resources law
No requirement but may occur. According to agreement with the student.
The degree project consists of an independently written essay that addresses issues in the subject area of environmental law with a scientific approach and a critical approach. The work should involve an in-depth study of environmental and natural resource law. The work is presented both in writing and orally.
What does the client/company get?
The client receives an answer to the research question posed in the thesis. Examples of studies:
- Who is responsible for violations of permit conditions when the permit is shared by several operators?
- What does the Swedish Transport Administration claim in concrete terms when areas with reindeer herding rights are expropriated with the support of a railway plan or road plan (on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration)?
- In the light of the EU Water Framework Directive, is it compatible with the legal provisions to retain individual (small) sewers, and are there administrative law obstacles to the enforcement of established environmental objectives of good water quality/good status?
How does it work?
The work is done in such a way that the students, in consultation with the examiner, choose a topic to immerse themselves in. The choice of topic is made well before the course starts and based on the part or parts of the master's program that the student has found particularly interesting to study in more detail. Supervision takes place both individually between student and supervisor, as well as in the entire master's group.
What is required of the client?
- A problem statement (in Swedish or English).
- Desired result
- A contact person. The contact person at the company needs to be familiar with the problem and genuinely interested in the assignment.
- Attend meetings when the need arises. The number of meetings varies, roughly speaking, 3-4 meetings and preferably a visit to the workplace for the students.
Expression of interest
- Register your interest here External link, opens in new window.
(Opens in Swedish)
Maria Pettersson
- Professor, Ämnesföreträdare
- 0920-492195
- Maria Pettersson