Space workers of the future | P7004R
Implement theory and methods to solve modern complex problems relevant to an aerospace engineering profession.
Facts about the course: Space workers of the future
Apply by
20 weeks
Number of students per project
Space technology
No requirement but may occur. According to agreement with the student.
Expected outcome
International workforce with tailored competences and complementary skills. The program overview is available at External link, opens in new window.
The overall goal of the course is that the student practices and develops skills to implement theory and methods to solve modern complex problems relevant to a profession as a civil engineer in aerospace engineering. After the course the student can:
- formulate a relevant problem for investigation;
- apply knowledge and skills to a complex project in an independent and systematic way;
- choose and justify the study method with explicit understanding of the impact of the choice on the results of the study;
- analyse and defend the problem formulated in a scientifically correct way;
- critically review information and the work of others in a constructive and scientific manner;
- plan, structure and implement a project;
- assess the scientific relevance of the results obtained;
- express themselves well in writing and language in a scientifically correct manner;
- create and conduct a presentation of the project results, defend the conclusions.
Client's commitments
- a problem statement in English
- A contact person. The contact person at the company needs to be familiar with the problem and genuinely interested in the assignment.
Expression of interest
- Register your interest here External link, opens in new window.
(Opens in Swedish)
Victoria Barabash
- Biträdande professor, Avdelningschef
- 0980-67532
- Victoria Barabash