Climate Sensitive Urban Design: Shaping Sustainable and Resilient Cities
Learn to address the complex challenges posed by climate change in urban environments! In this course, you get to explores the integration of climate considerations into urban planning and design processes. Explore how to create sustainable and resilient cities that can thrive in the face of climate-related risks.
Target audience:
Architects, civil engineers, urban designers, spatial planners, landscape architects, decision makers in urban development, property management professionals.
Building model setup (e.g. Autodesk Revit), urban design, spatial planning, urban studies.
30 hours
4 200 SEK
Registration can be found further down the page.
Luleå University of Technology reserves the right to cancel the course if there are too few participants.
Course content
- Basic knowledge of urban climate science
- Green-blue-white infrastructure in urban areas
- Human comfort and behaviour
- Application of climate knowledge in urban planning and design
- Model development for microclimate simulation
- Evaluation of urban microclimates
- Scenario-based optimization of climate-sensitive design
Structure of the course
Module 1: Theoretical knowledge and case studies
- Basic knowledge in urban climate science
- Green-blue-white infrastructure in urban areas
- Human comfort and behaviour
- Application of climate knowledge in urban planning and design
Module 2: Microclimate simulation in practice
- Model development for microclimate simulation
- Evaluation of urban microclimates
- Scenario-based optimization of climate-sensitive design
To pass the course
To pass the course you need to complete the theoretical knowledge quiz (Module 1), short reflection on a selected case study (Module 1) and conduct microclimate analysis for several scenarios (Module 2). Participants must demonstrate the ability to understand the basics of urban climate, critically evaluate climate-sensitive design features in selected case studies, conduct microclimate analysis and develop design solutions.
Kevin Lau is a senior lecturer and researcher at Luleå University of Technology with a background in urban climate science and climate-sensitive urban planning and design. He holds a PhD in architecture from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include the application of climate knowledge in urban planning and design practices, participatory design of public spaces, and numerical modelling of urban microclimates. Kevin has conducted research focused on improving the sustainability and quality of life in urban spaces, and thus the comfort, health and well-being of city residents. He was project manager for research projects funded by government agencies and national research bodies in Asia and Europe. In academia, Kevin has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers, book chapters, and other research publications. He also serves as associate editor of the journal Cities and Health.
Expression of interest
- Register your interest
Registering your interest is not binding. The course starts when enough people have registered their interest.
Contact LTU
LTU Professional Education uppdragsutbildning@ltu.se