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Data mining for industry
Data Science and Machine Learning are some of the hottest concepts in business in the 21st century. Nowadays, both companies and government agencies have a great interest in the field. Data Science is a combined study of different topics together, including databases, warehousing, data architectures, business analytics, data mining, big data and more! This course will introduce you to data mining and how it can enable companies to create better business outcomes by analysing their various data using predictive and prescriptive tools.
Target audience:
People with a need for knowledge to manage big data.
The course is given over five modules with 2.5 credits. Each module of the course can take between 5 to 15 hours to complete.
Course start:
To be agreed when purchasing the course.
Online course via the learning platform Canvas.
The course is conducted as a contract education and is subject to a fee. Contact LTU Professional Education for more information.
About the course
The course provides knowledge to tackle various data science problems and datasets. At the end of the course, you will be able to define and clarify what data mining is all about, be familiar with the standard CRISP data mining method, be able to use one of the most widely used toolkits in data mining, rapidminer, and become familiar with several methods in data mining. The focus is on machine learning techniques for classification, regression and clustering. The course covers various examples of text and image analysis in the context of real business scenarios.
Course coordinator/Teacher
Marcus Liwicki, works as Professor and Head of Subject at the Division of Embedded Intelligent Systems LAB, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering. He is also Deputy Head of Applied AI, Luleå University of Technology. Marcus teaches machine learning, advanced data mining, neural networks and learning machines, introduction to artificial intelligence and advanced deep learning.
Expression of interest
- Register your interest
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Registering your interest is not binding. The course starts when enough people have registered their interest.
Contact us
LTU Professional Education uppdragsutbildning@ltu.se