Industrial fluid mechanics
Flows in piping systems are common in a variety of industrial applications. We provide you with basic knowledge on the subject.
Mathematics corresponding to high school track "b" and high school physics 1.
On-site laboratory 4 hours
Total: 16 hours
Submission of calculations as well as attendance and completion of laboratory work.
Luleå University of Technology
5 000 SEK per participant
Register your interest through the link further down on this page. Luleå University of Technology reserves the right to cancel the course if there are too few participants.
About the course
Pipe flow with special focus on design of pipe systems containing pumps, valves and geometric changes such as bends and transitions.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing the course, the participant will
- Be familiar with calculations of pressure losses in piping systems and how these can be minimized.
- Be able to dimension pipe systems with associated pump based on given conditions in the form of required flow rate
- Be able to design valves for use in piping systems in accordance with current European standards.
Course structure
The course is mainly given digitally through the learning management system Canvas. In Canvas, the following course material is available
- A compendium where the underlying theory is presented
- Three recorded lectures
- A collection of problems with theoretical tasks that enable the students to test their understanding of the elements included in the course.
In addition to the digital material in Canvas, a calculation exercise will also be held via Teams where participants can ask questions.
As part of the course's examination, submission of theoretical calculations is included. The calculations cover tasks from the problem collection and serve as a basis for the laboratory part (see below).
Finally, a laboratory session will take place at LTU where the student participates physically. The laboratory is divided into two parts:
- Pipe flow - experimental investigation of pressure losses in pipe systems.
- Pump characteristics - experimental investigation of the performance of a pump.
After completing the course, the participant receives a certificate.
Joel Sundström, Senior Lecturer
Expression of interest
This course is given in Swedish. Please click on “på Svenska” at the top of the page and register your interest there.
LTU Professional Education