Teaching reading and writing for preschool teachers in pre-primary classrooms
The course is aimed at those who have a preschool teacher degree and teach as a preschool teacher in preschool class. The purpose of the course is to strengthen your competence as a preschool teacher to teach in a possible future ten-year primary school and to equalize the difference between preschool teacher training and primary teacher training with a focus on work in preschool class and primary school grades 1-3 regarding basic reading and writing learning. The course is given on behalf of the National Agency for Education.
Facts and figures
Target group:
Preschool teachers
To participate in the course, you must: have a preschool teacher degree according to Annex 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), or an older equivalent, be employed for teaching in preschool class and have an employer (municipality or private principal) who has approved your participation.
Daytime 25%. The course starts in the fall semester 2024 and is offered at quarter speed, which means that the course ends in spring 2025. 15 credits.
Course start:
Autumn semester 2024
Teaching takes place at a distance via digital technology. The digital meetings contain examination elements, which makes them mandatory.
22 000 SEK excluding VAT
You apply for the course yourself via Antagning.se External link, opens in new window. no later than April 15, 2024. The application opens on March 15.
About the course
During the course, you will immerse yourself in basic literacy learning and how you can support and challenge students' interest in and ability to communicate in speech and writing in your teaching.
The course also provides a holistic perspective on the importance of language and storytelling for students' learning, meaning-making and identity development from a diversity perspective.
During the course, you will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of how you can work with an inclusive approach in your teaching based on the experiences and needs of all pupils. You will also develop your knowledge of multilingualism and how you can create language-developing learning environments. The course also gives you the opportunity to develop your ability to monitor and assess students' literacy learning as a basis for continued teaching and learning.
Course coordinator and teacher
Åsa Gyllefjord, Lecturer
Examiner and teacher
Märtha Andersson, Guest teacher
- Antagning.se
External link, opens in new window.
You apply for the course via Antagning.se no later than April 17, 2024. The application opens on March 15. - Read more on the Swedish National Agency for Education website
External link, opens in new window.
- Form Principal's approval
External link, opens in new window.
- Read more on the course website
Opens in new window.
In Swedish
Contact us
LTU Professional Education uppdragsutbildning@ltu.se