Computer Vision - Image Understanding for Effective Business
Artificial intelligence can now interpret and analyse images, something that will change the face of industry and business. Learn to understand the potential of computer vision and see the positive impacts it can have on your business.
3 weeks, 4 hours per week, or at your own pace
Course type:
The course is a MOOC, a Massive Online Open Course, open to everyone.
Free of charge
About the course
This course guides you through this journey to get a better understanding of the technology behind this field, and how you can get the benefit of using CV in your current business. The course will cover the concepts in the following areas, image processing, machine learning, deep learning and use cases of computer vision in business.
What will you learn?
Understand what a CV is and how it has a positive impact on your business. Demonstrate knowledge of the different components of CV such as image processing, machine learning and deep learning. Explore how CV can be applied in various interesting fields such as transportation, healthcare, production lines and security.
Who is the course for?
Anyone in industry and academia who wants to boost their digital skills and gain confidence in how computer vision has evolved and can make a noticeable positive impact on their business and careers. This could include:
- Employees, managers, directors, senior managers, founders and entrepreneurs.
- Students and PhD students
- Researchers, teachers from business-related majors
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