14 April 2023
First PhD projects in precision health
It is now decided which PhD projects will be the first in precision health at Luleå University of Technology. Eleven doctoral students will begin in the autumn, in what will be Sweden's first research school in precision health.
Eleven PhD projects have been granted funding in the future area of PRECISE, innovative precision health. The projects cover all three levels of precision health; to develop more accurate analysis tools at the molecular level, more precise digital interventions for the individual and more precise guidelines for how health-promoting societies can be developed. All projects are interdisciplinary and many of the projects already have external partners. All departments at Luleå University of Technology are represented.
”This will be Sweden's first research school in precision health. It allows us to position Luleå University of Technology and it will contribute to creating national competence in the field,” says Fredrik Nikolajeff, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Research leader for the future area PRECISE.
In May, the recruitment of doctoral students begins, and the research school in precision health is planned to start during the autumn.
“The projects are in line with the goal of the future area PRECISE, to promote health equity throughout the life span. Now we look forward to developing the area and we welcome more external partnerships,” says Fredrik Nikolajeff.
Granted PhD projects and main applicant:
SICTA 3.0 (Sustainable Innovations for Children Traveling Actively 3.0). Stina Rutberg, Physiotherapy.
Early detection of risk for diseases using environmental forensics - ED2 EF. Lena Alakangas, Applied Geochemistry.
Isolation and analysis of circulating tumor cells for prostate cancer detection in whole blood by Raman spectroscopy – MiRa. Kerstin Ramser, Experimental Mechanics.
Create, Design and Maintain Healthy Urban Design for Walking. Charlotta Johansson, Architecture.
Strategies Empowering activities in Everyday life (SEE): Evaluation of an early proactive internet-based intervention for chronic disease. Maria Larsson Lund, Occupational Therapy.
Supervised exercise Treatment of spondyloARthritis using Virtual Reality and machine learning (STAR-VR). Ulrik Röijezon, Physiotherapy.
MUFS2D - Multimodal photoacoustic sensor technology for simultaneous 2D imaging and functionalisation of tissue. Torbjörn Löfqvist, Electronic systems.
Exploiting Advanced Metabolomics and Lipid Profiling for Identification of Novel Non-invasive Biomarkers of Parkinson's Disease (BioPARK). Oleg N Antzutkin, Chemistry of Interfaces.
Promoting health and social interaction for children with decreased sound tolerance. Örjan Johansson, Engineering Acoustics.
Novel Protein Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis and Intervention in Endometriosis and Related Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Acronym: WeCARE. Fredrik Nikolajeff, Biomedical Engineering.
HeartSmart: Using design co-creation to develop healthier cities (HS). Tim Foster, Industrial Marketing.