28 April 2023
New external members of the university board
The government has decided on external board members at Luleå University of Technology. Six out of eight members are new. Eva Hamilton continues as chairman.
The full list of external members:
- Eva Hamilton, Chair, Senior Advisor
- Sara Bjärstorp, university lecturer and operations manager for Mötesplats Social Innovation, Malmö University
- Magnus Frodigh, Head of Research, Ericsson (New)
- Tobias Hansson, CEO, Hitachi Energy Sweden (New)
- Niklas Johansson, Senior Vice President, LKAB (New)
- Sigbritt Karlsson, Professor, KTH (New)
- Kajsa Myrberg, Federal Director, Norrbotten's Municipalities (New)
- Roger Mörtvik, former State Secretary (New)
The University Board is the university's highest decision-making body. The Board decides on important issues concerning the university's organization, annual reports, budget documentation, admission system, employment plan, etc.
The government has appointed the members for the period 1 May 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024.