Cecilia Wallmark.
3 May 2023
Two hydrogen projects are recommended in a large call
Luleå University of Technology is recommended funding for two projects that focus on hydrogen as part of the Nordic energy market. The two projects selected by the Nordic Council of Ministers' platform for cooperation in energy research and policy development, Nordic Energy Research, are called H2AMN and H2SIPP.
The H2AMN project investigates the possibilities for hydrogen-based energy system solutions in the Nordic region. The project will focus on three energy hubs, centered around ports in different Nordic countries and investigate the possibilities for marine applications and new opportunities for local energy companies and steel industries. Storage of hydrogen must also be studied based on technical conditions and rock mechanics as well as policy and market assessments as well as scenario and energy system modeling to highlight the impact of the realization of hydrogen-based hubs in the selected cases and at the Nordic level.
The overall goal of the H2SIPP project is to limit obstacles to the implementation of hydrogen in the Nordic countries, with a focus on permit processes, acceptance and hydrogen safety. Within the project, material and reliability analyzes in the form of non-destructive testing will be carried out. The project work will form the basis of a strategic plan within the safety and permit perspective for the Nordic region with the aim of maintaining leadership and benefiting from the technology developed so far in hydrogen gas for many years to come.
Central issues for the expansion of hydrogen
- Together with all our partners in the hydrogen value chain, we will develop knowledge about hydrogen safety and work for increased understanding of regulations and political acceptance. We are eager to start the two recommended projects because the issues raised are so central to accelerating the expansion of hydrogen, says Cecilia Wallmark, operations manager for the hydrogen initiative CH2ESS at Luleå University of Technology
- In the second project H2AMN, we intend to investigate energy value chains and business opportunities in the area of energy systems in regions near ports, says Joakim Lundgren, deputy operations manager for CH2ESS.
Read more here External link. Nordic Energy Research
Project partners
H2AMN: Luleå University of Technology, University of Iceland, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Port of Gothenburg, Blámi, Statkraft, Landsvirkjun, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Luleå Energy, Piteå Hamn, SSAB.
H2SIPP: Luleå University of Technology, Lund University, Aalto University, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, The Swedish Gas Association Zelk, Skoogs, Bodens Utveckling AB, Gällivare näringsliv, SSAB, Wasa Group Oy, REH2, Nordion, AFRY.
Joakim Lundgren
- Professor
- 0920-491307
- joakim.lundgren@ltu.se
- Joakim Lundgren
Cecilia Wallmark
- Director, Centre for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden, CH2ESS
- 0920-492847
- cecilia.wallmark@ltu.se
- Cecilia Wallmark