5 May 2023
Paulina Sawicki nominated as one of Framtiden's female leaders in 2023
Paulina Sawicki is an alumna of Luleå University of Technology and nominated for Framtiden's female leader in 2023. With the nomination, she is one of the 75 top female leaders in Sweden who are competing for the award. The winner and places will be announced on May 16.
"I was very happy when I found out in November last year that I had been nominated for this year's edition of Framtiden's female leaders, but to have ended up in the top 75 feels so incredibly great! The whole purpose of this award is to highlight the importance of an equal management market and to highlight prominent women as managerial role models. I feel extremely honored and happy to have been selected as one of this year's leaders, not least because I have personally followed this award for several years and have been inspired by many female leaders who have previously been included. Many thanks to the Leaders and the jury!"
Today, Paulina works at the streaming company BookBeat, which is part of the Bonnier Group and one of Europe's leading audiobook services. Her journey at BookBeat actually started already during her studies when she wrote her ex-job there, which later led to a full-time job right after graduation.
"From January this year, I work in the role of Commercial Development Director at BookBeat, where I lead and coordinate various types of cross-functional projects for BookBeat's largest markets Sweden, Finland, Germany and Poland. In parallel with this role, I am also ultimately responsible for the Polish market, which I have been since we launched in Poland in the spring of 2020. Step by step over three years, building up both the Polish market and the team has been an incredibly educational, exciting and challenging mission!"
The width – a winning concept
She thinks back to her studies at Luleå University of Technology with fondness.
"I remember the wonderful atmosphere, all the nice friends and the hard work during exam periods. Events such as the breakfast clubs at the Career Center or various types of lunchtime lectures were something that my friends and I slavishly attended, which was usually a much-needed and motivating break in the middle of the busy reading periods."
Paulina studied the civil engineering program with a focus on industrial economics, which includes a wide range of subjects, from pure engineering courses to courses with a more management and business development focus.
"The width has undoubtedly been a winning concept for me and something I think is sought after by many companies today. Above all, I am extremely grateful for all the wonderful people I met during my five years in Luleå, both at the university and out in business. This network is still very important and very useful to me."
Challenges are an opportunity to learn something new
The training has given her many tools that she uses on a daily basis in her current role.
"The studies are a really good school in taking on challenges and not giving up in the first place. During an education, you come across many different courses with new prerequisites and requirements, so you are forced time and time again outside your comfort zone. In this way, I have learned to be more flexible, persistent and to see challenges as an opportunity to learn something new rather than a problem that cannot be solved."
The branding you course with Tim Foster is a recurring favorite for many, not least Paulina.
"I go back to my bucket list every now and then to see if I can check off a few more must-do's from it. In addition to Tim's course, I learned a lot during the master's courses as these allowed me to dive deep into innovation, entrepreneurship and management - which are subjects I am still passionate about and work with on a daily basis."
Finally, she sends some tips to students.
"Really enjoy your study time because before you know it, that time will be over. Get involved in association life, study abroad if you have the opportunity, attend fairs and interesting lunchtime lectures - take every opportunity to broaden your horizons and build networks (which you will definitely benefit from both during and after your studies). It's a great time in life to learn lots of new things and meet lots of people, so make the most of it!"
Future female leaders
Behind the Framtiden's female leader award is the trade union Ledarna, which has over 96,000 members. The purpose of the award is to change the image of leadership as a male arena and to highlight the importance of an equal manager market, and this year the award is given out for the seventeenth year in a row.
The women on the Leaders' ranking list are between 20 and 35 years old and work as managers or leaders. They are assessed for their performance in the year 2022 and earlier according to the criteria of competence and leadership, results and potential. The jury consists of representatives from the academic world, business and the trade union Ledarna.