15 May 2023
Sweden's largest collaborative conference to Skellefteå
In 2025, Campus Skellefteå, together with Luleå University of Technology, will host Sweden's largest collaboration conference, University and Society in Collaboration (HSS). The conference focuses on how we solve today's and tomorrow's societal challenges through collaboration and how collaboration between academia, business, civil society and the public sector can be developed and strengthened.
Skellefteå is in the middle of a huge social transformation where 75 billion will be invested until 2030, an investment rate that means the most investments/capita in Sweden right now and has a population target of 90,000 inhabitants in 2030.
- It is of course great fun and just in time for this conference to be held in Skellefteå. We are growing like never before and are also determined to grow sustainably. It comes with many opportunities, but also great challenges. In order for us to be able to do this, collaboration with academia and business is absolutely central, says Kristina Sundin, municipal manager at Skellefteå Municipality.
The development of the Campus area, where Campus Skellefteå has a decisive role for Skellefteå's ability to provide competence, paves the way for an interesting program to be developed and offered to the conference. There is leading research in sustainable construction in wood, future energy solutions, AI and smart technology, as well as games and digitization of healthcare.
- We look forward to showcasing the development that is taking place in Skellefteå and on campus with a focus on societal challenges with collaboration, academia, society and business, says Ida Lindh, strategically responsible for development at Campus Skellefteå.
The HSS conference has been organized every two years by Swedish universities since 1999. Behind the conference are the financiers KK-stiftelsen, Tillväxtverket and Vinnova.