30 May 2023
Awarded two industrial projects within WISE
Luleå University of Technology has been awarded two new industrial doctoral and postdoctoral projects within WISE that enable further research in materials science. A total of 49 applications were received and of these 28 were granted funding. The granted projects come from a wide range of companies, from start-ups to some of the largest industries in Sweden.
Luleå University of Technology is awarded the projects Sustainable Solution for high performance PM steels: SSPM and Porous struCTHred, biobased and recyclable materials for construction applications. The projects are carried out in collaboration with the companies Höganäs AB and MoRe Research Örnsköldsvik AB.
Porous struCTHred, biobased and recyclable materials for construction applications.
The project addresses the basic science of heat transfer in materials to design new insulation materials that counteract the heat transfer methods of conduction, convection and radiation. The proposed insulation is bio-based and circular and offers easy assembly to be able to retrofit older buildings.
Principal applicant: Farid Akhtar
Industrial postdoc: Sara Wallstén
Sustainable Solution for high performance PM steels: SSPM
The project will develop a new method to achieve high performance in low-alloy powder metallurgical steel components based on a sustainable manufacturing route. The aim is to achieve increased hardenability of structural metals for industrial applications through replacement of alloying elements and reduced CO2 footprint.
Principal applicant: Marta-Lena Antti
Industrial PhD student: Dimitris Chasoglou
WISE är ett forskningsprogram finansierat av Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse (KAW). Syfte är att möjliggöra hållbara teknologier med inverkan på vårt samhälle genom att förstå, skapa och kontrollera komplexa material med precision ner till enskild atomnivå.
WISE är i första hand baserad på sju av Sveriges främsta forskningsuniversitet, som tillsammans bildar en komplett och kompletterande kunskapsbas för att framgångsrikt genomföra kärnverksamheten inom forskning och utbildning. De deltagande universiteten är: Chalmers tekniska högskola, KTH, Linköpings universitet, Lunds universitet, Luleå tekniska universitet, Stockholms universitet och Uppsala universitet.
Farid Akhtar
- Professor
- 0920-491793
- farid.akhtar@ltu.se
- Farid Akhtar
Marta-Lena Antti
- Professor tillika ämnesföreträdare
- 0920-492093
- marta-lena.antti@ltu.se
- Marta-Lena Antti