2 January 2024
Investing in short courses on green transition
Luleå University of Technology receives three million SEK in a government investment to develop short courses for professionals. The courses will strengthen the supply of skills for the green transition.
In 2024, nine higher education institutions will share SEK 30 million to develop short courses aimed at professionals who want to undertake further training or make a career change. These may be in areas such as batteries, electrification, the circular economy, raw materials and other areas that are important for society to be able to make the transition.
- "Society faces a huge challenge in the coming years as Sweden needs to transition to a fossil-free energy system. A clear challenge is to ensure the necessary supply of skills for the green transition," says Minister for Education Mats Persson.
The funds are distributed to the universities that the government considers to have particularly strong educational environments in areas that are important for society's climate transition. This applies to Luleå University of Technology, Uppsala University, Lund University, Umeå University, Linköping University, Royal Institute of Technology, Mälardalen University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Chalmers University of Technology.
- Luleå University of Technology has education and research at the forefront in several areas that the green transition demands. At the same time, we have a well-established organization to offer tailor-made education for professionals. This is an important investment that we will take care of in the best possible way," says Rector Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn.