4 March 2024
Norrlandsnavet: Call to apply for need-driven research project funding
Norrlandsnavet invites proposals for need-driven research projects. These projects must be planned and executed in close collaboration with SMEs in Norrland. The proposed projects should address specific research problems that will contribute to the development, innovation, and growth of SMEs in Norrland.
The funded need-driven projects are designed to broaden the scope of topics addressed in Norrlandsnavet and to draw in additional SMEs to participate in Norrlandsnavet activities. By building on cutting-edge competencies, these need-driven projects will seek to address the specific needs, both existing and emerging, of SMEs in Norrland.
Norrlandsnavet has highlighted the following topics for 2024 project proposals.
- Twin transition for SMEs growth and innovation
- Technology and market scaling for regional and local SMEs
- Entrepreneurial leadership and family firm growth
- Improved healthcare and quality of life
- Competence development for SMEs in the traditional industries
Project proposals on topics other than those highlighted above are also welcome. However, to increase the opportunity of being granted project funding, a proposal must be clear on how it will target real needs among SMEs in Norrland, and how the project would benefit SMEs concerning their development, innovation, or growth.
Application budget, timeline, and funding decisions
The research projects will be funded by Norrlandsnavet with a grant allocation up to 900,000 SEK, to be used for a maximum of one year.
The application submission period is open from 8 March to 5 May.
Please email the application to etks-registrator@ltu.se by May 5th, 2024, 23:59.
Nerine Mary George
- Postdoktor
- 0920-492266
- nerine.george@ltu.se
- Nerine Mary George
Vinit Parida
- Professor tillika ämnesföreträdare
- 0920-492469
- vinit.parida@ltu.se
- Vinit Parida