27 May 2024
"There is so much going on here in the north"
Julia Lyxell Stålnacke is studying fourth year Industrial Engineering and Management at Luleå University of Technology. In the spring, she was selected for the talent program Female Technical Engineer 2024 and also became one of ten finalists.
Hi Julia. Tell us about Female Technical Engineer and how you got accepted!
"It's a talent program run by CoGig and started in 2020. Cogig is a staffing and recruitment company based in Stockholm that works for a more equal business community. They organize three annual talent programs for women and non-binary engineering students."
"Some people I know participated last year and I was inspired to apply. The talent program involves ten technology companies and organizes inspirational meetings and company visits. One of the participants in the program is named Female Techical Engineer of the Year based on various activities during the program. But that's not the most important thing, the most interesting thing is to network and see new companies in the tech industry."
You are in your fourth year of Industrial Engineering and Management. Tell us about your major and what the program has given you?
"The program has given me a very broad perspective in everything from innovation, to leadership and business development. In addition, with the engineering knowledge in the foundation that provides an incredible amount to become a good problem solver."
You are also a student education officer. What does this entail?
"As an student education officer, you try to ensure that our education is as high quality as it can be and you are a link between the students and the university. I sit on the board of our section together with seven other students. It is a completely voluntary job and together with my board we make sure that LTU's students can engage in their interests and participate in fun events."
What do you hope to work with after the education is finished?
"I am very open to all possible paths afterwards, but I am very interested in the transition that is taking place up here in the north. We have, among others, Boliden, LKAB and SSAB who are part of Female Technical Engineer and all those companies are very interesting. Maybe I will stay here in the north and continue here when there is still so much going on here."