Pictured from left: Staffan Bjurulf, Engineers of Sweden, Sofia Näsström, Emanuel Ehrlin, Patricia Dahlfors, Carl Bergstrand, Alyssa Göransson, Lisa Gren, Vighnesh Nadukkandy Pradeep and Marita Holst, Head of Collaboration and Innovation
4 June 2024
Environmental students presented their innovative solutions
Just over half a year ago, 12 students at Luleå University of Technology received a total of SEK 500,000 from the Environmental Fund to develop their degree projects in green transition. The scholarships are the result of a strategic cooperation agreement between the Swedish Engineers and Luleå University of Technology. Now it was time for the students to present their results.
During a presentation event, seven of the scholarship holders presented the results of their degree projects to representatives from the Engineers of Sweden, which manages the Environmental Fund, and other stakeholders.
The scholarship holders at Luleå University of Technology are students at the Master Programme in Sustainable Energy Engineering, Master Programme in Industrial and Management Engineering, Master Programme in Mechanical Engineering, Master Programme in Natural Resources Engineering, Master Programme in Sustainable Process and Chemical Engineering, Master Programme in Architectural Engineering, Master Programme in Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering and Advanced Material Science and Engineering.
A innovative service in the mining industry
Carl Bergstrand, who studied Industrial and Management Engineering, was there to present. Carl's project is part of the development of a completely new service in the mining industry to prevent large-scale natural disasters from tailings dams. The thesis was commissioned by the EU and Nordic Strategy Partners.
“Early on, I thought that my degree project would focus on the mining industry, but when the opportunity to apply for the Environmental Fund's scholarship came along, it gave me the incentive to focus on the green transition as well, which I'm happy about,” says Carl Bergstrand.
The final service is in demand in the mining industry and will be the first service in the world to combine satellites, drones and ground sensors for this purpose using analyses of AI and machine learning. Nordic Strategy Partners will continue the project and the goal is to be able to offer the service to players in the mining industry in two years.
The Students have received support from the innovation office and have the opportunity to receive support from Luleå University's Arctic Business Incubator to increase the possibilities of practical application after the end of the degree programme. The collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and the Engineers of Sweden on targeted scholarships for degree projects by engineering students, will run for three years and covers a total of SEK 1.5 million. The next opportunity to apply for scholarships is 1 October to 10 November 2024.
About the Environmental Fund
The Environmental Fund (Miljöfonden) is administered by Engineers of Sweden with annual grants from Swedbank's Human Fund. The purpose of the foundation is to promote projects aimed at improving the physical environment in Sweden and its neighbouring areas. More about the cooperation agreement:More than SEK 500 000 to engineering students at Luleå University of Technology (ltu.se)

Carl Bergstrand, Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management