14 June 2024
Cooperation agreement signed with the University of Ljubljana
After many years of collaboration, Luleå University of Technology and the University of Ljubljana have signed a cooperation agreement that strengthens academic ties and opens up opportunities for double degrees and future PhD positions at the university. The first students from Ljubljana will arrive in August to study a Master in Wood Technology.
- Hopefully they also want to do their thesis at Luleå University of Technology and thus be able to get a master's degree in wood technology also from us, a so-called double degree, says Micael Öhman, Senior Lecturer in Wood Technology at Luleå University of Technology.
To achieve this, students are required to complete their third semester at the other university and do a degree project that both universities collaborate on. This allows for a broader academic experience and strengthens the ties between the two institutions.
Long-standing cooperation
The background to the agreement is the long-standing collaboration between the Department of Wood Science and Engineering at Luleå University of Technology and the researchers at the Faculty of Biotechnology at the University of Ljubljana. For several years, the university has also received students from Ljubljana within the framework of the Erasmus + exchange with very good results.
Two of these exchange students recently presented their project work, done at Luleå University of Technology, at the EWCM11 conference in Florence in April. The experience shows that the students from Ljubljana are high performing and determined.
- Our perception of the students from Ljubljana is that they are high-performing 'doers' that we would like to employ as PhD students, says Micael Öhman
The new collaboration is expected not only to improve the education of the students involved but also to broaden Luleå University of Technology's recruitment base for PhD students, which promotes the university's future research and development.
Micael Öhman
- Senior Lecturer
- 0910-585374
- micael.ohman@ltu.se
- Micael Öhman