27 June 2024
Project funding for skills development, cybersecurity and more
Luleå University of Technology has been granted SEK 38 million for four projects within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in great competition from municipalities, companies and other actors. This funding decision emphasizes the university's strong research capacity and innovation capacity and important role in contributing to the development of society through collaboration.
Increasing collaboration between students and business
Among the projects granted funding is C4SS - Competence for Smart Specialization, which addresses the region's problems with skills supply. An important prerequisite for the region's development is access to labor with the right skills. The strong growth that the region is experiencing has resulted in an alarming skills shortage, which is also identified as the biggest obstacle to growth.
At Luleå University of Technology, there are students with skills needed for the development of companies. The purpose of the project is to strengthen the collaboration between students and companies already early in the students' education.
The benefits are several as the companies develop and become stronger, the students get real challenges to work with and the expected effect of the project is strengthened skills supply to the county by more students staying after graduation.
The project is coordinated by Luleå University of Technology and is carried out in partnership with Luleå municipality, Luleå Business Region, Boden municipality and Boden Science Park.
Social innovation in the north
The project Strengthened Ecosystem for Social Innovation in the North aims to strengthen support for social innovators and entrepreneurs in northern Sweden. The project will contribute to a sustainable and inclusive social transformation and community development where more people want to live and work, both in urban and rural areas.
The project is coordinated by Luleå University of Technology and is carried out in partnership with Umeå University, Coompanion Norrbotten and Västerbotten and Samforma.
Digitalization and AI strengthen competitiveness
The MARTINA pilot project will meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises in Norrbotten and Skellefteå. The companies will be offered support in working with advanced digitization and AI in their innovation work. This will lead to them strengthening their competitiveness, gaining increased knowledge and being able to sell new innovations. The project will also strengthen research and technology in the region.
Increased cybersecurity in society
It is of utmost importance that both private and public actors acquire the latest knowledge in the field of cybersecurity. Through the Cybersecurity Node project, actors increase their competence and can implement cybersecure solutions, approaches and methods that contribute to making our society robust and resilient to cyber attacks. The project is based on the ongoing development of threats and attacks in the field of cybersecurity.
All projects will start in the fall and run for three years. These investments bode well for the future and help create a stronger and more competitive region.