26 August 2024
300 international students welcomed to Luleå University of Technology
After last week's welcome of new students and the start of the zero period, it was now time to welcome all new international students who have applied to Luleå University of Technology.
For the fall semester, we welcome over 300 international students from nearly 40 different countries to our various campuses. On site in Luleå, it was full of excited students who were welcomed by Pär Weihed, Professor and Pro Vice-Chancellor at Luleå University of Technology who encouraged students to enjoy the seasons and make friends for life.
After a presentation of the university, the student unions and the library, ESN Luleå, Erasmus Student Network was on site and told about the activities that are done to welcome all new students.
The international students' zero period, their "Orientation Week, started on Saturday. Many of the students on site have already gotten to know each other thanks to a shared Whatsapp group that makes the move up to northern Sweden much easier.
In the crowd of new students, we caught up with some and asked where they came from and what attracted them to Luleå University of Technology?
Joshua, USA (left)
"My university requires me to have a semester abroad and Sweden was one of the main countries that I wanted to go to in Europe. I really want to see the northen lights, that has been on my bucket list for a long time. Also it is a tech school and all my studies are computer related"
Noah, USA
"I am studying computer science and engineering. I was looking at different places and I really was attracted to the Swedish culture which is a strong contrast to many things that are valued in America. I also chose Lulea university of technology in the far north of Sweden because I wanted to experience the northen nights!"
Jayani, Sri Lanka
"I am studying International Business Management. At first I thought I was going to Stockholm, but I got Luleå and I think Luleå is a better place for me. I actually thought it would be winter snow already! I look forward to complete my studies and go back to Sri Lanka and start up my own business. Then I also want to explore the environment and get involved in ESN Luleå"
Gabrielle, studying in Lyon, France (left)
"I am studying material engineering. I wanted to go to the north, specifically a Scandinavian country because I was really curios about this cultur and I wanted to experience the weather and learn how to ski. Friends of mine were going to big cities, but then i discovered Luleå university of technology and I talked to older students who have been here and they told me it was a really good experience! I know that here in Sweden you have a big Iron industry so I want to discover this and how it works"
Amelie, studying in Rouen, France
"I also wanted to go north and experience a new weather with lots of snow. I prefer the cold weather compared to the hot weather. I want to experience the culture, the weather and the courses here were really interesting."