Ecuplancia Nyumbase Njobvu met Boliden at the LARV fair.
23 January 2025
LARV – Where career opportunities connect with the talent of tomorrow
Our students are in demand. This is particularly evident at the LARV fair, where hundreds of companies are looking for the workforce of the future.
LARV – Luleå Career Week is organized by Teknologkåren. The highlight of the week is the LARV fair, which every year attracts hundreds of companies that are curious about our students. Pontus Henriksson is project manager for LARV 2025. He says:
"LARV's goal is to make the transition from working life to student life as easy as possible. We do this mainly through job fairs like this one."
Among all the hundreds of companies we found LKAB, which attracts students to the transition that the mining industry and society are facing. Peab, with its slogan "Together we build the local community", told us about its needs:
"This is where the workforce of the future is hiding. We are mainly looking for civil engineers for our trainee programs and seven-month interns. This is a labor market that is on the rise. There's a lot going on here in Norrbotten," says Åsa Jonsson, HR partner at Peab.
In the crowded fair we also find companies such as Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB that want to meet students who are interested in working in the water and wastewater industry, an industry that is in high demand for skilled professionals. Svevia presented its trainee program for curious students and Skellefteå Kraft that tries to attract staff for the green transition.
The fair attracted lots of curious students who asked questions to all exhibitors. One of these was Ecuplancia Nyumbase Njobvu who is studying Master of Science in International Business. We catch her talking to Boliden.
"I am here to make contact with companies. I started my studies last fall and now I'm looking for internships and summer jobs that match my education."