Order a workshop - Region Norrbotten
Does your workgroup need to learn more about evidence-based information retrieval, databases or search techniques? Book a workshop!
A librarian from the university library is happy to come to your workplace. During the session, participants will have the opportunity to work practically with different exercises, based on your wishes.
Workshop: The Medical e-library (45 min)
We will introduce The Medical e-library, how to borrow books and e-books, make interlibrary loans and how to search for articles and journals with the library search tool. The participants get the opportunity to create a library account and an account in BrowZine.
Workshop: Medical databases (90 min)
The participants will learn more about searching strategies, searching techniques and how to search in databases with medical subject headings, such as Swedish MeSH. We will also show how to use advanced search in, for example, PubMed, Cinahl or psycINFO. During the workshop the participants will get the chance to practise defining keywords and make advanced searches in different databases.
Workshop: Evidence-based information search (90 min)
We will talk about evidence-based information search, and how to formulate a search query using PICO. Also, we will demonstrate how to search for evidence-based material in the SBU and the Cochrane Library. The participants get to work practically with PICO and evidence-based search in various databases.
Workshop: Tutorial (30-120 min)
When medical students or employees within Region Norrbotten are working with research or different projects, we can visit your workplace and answer questions about databases, information retrieval, reference management etcetera.
Workshop: RefWorks (60 min)
We will introduce the reference management system RefWorks. For instance, how to import references from different databases or how to change reference style. The participants get to create an account in RefWorks and use the program in practice.
Workshop: Subject-specific content (30-90 min)
You get to decide the content, and we will visit your workplace! We can, for example, show databases of your choice, how systematic reviews is produced in practice, or immerse ourselves in different search strategies or filter options in various databases.