Use dictionaries to translate your search words into English and to find synonyms for the words. Swedish MeSH and SveMed+ can help you find medical subject headings.
Medical dictionaries
- Swedish MeSH
External link.
Medical subject headings. With the help of Swedish MeSH, you can find good keywords to use when searching databases. Here you will also get an English or Swedish translation of your keywords. - SveMed+
External link.
You can also use SveMed+ to find MeSH terms. If you do a search, you will see suggestions for MeSH terms in the right-hand column.
Swedish dictionaries
- Svenska.se
External link.
Search simultaneously in Svenska Akademiens Ordbok (SAOB), Svenska Akademiens Ordlista (SAOL) and Svensk Ordbok (SO). - Rikstermbanken
External link.
Terms and concepts from many disciplines. In Swedish, Swedens minority languages, English, French, German and Russian.
Swedish-English dictionaries
- Google translate
External link.
Translates words, phrases or entire web pages.
English dictionaries
- Merriam-Webster's Online Search
External link.
An English dictionary where you can get explanations of the meanings of words and suggestions for synonyms.
- Synonymer.se
External link.
Here you can find synonyms in both Swedish and English. - Woxikon
External link.
Synonyms in Swedish and English.