Calendar Luleå Railway Research Center
The Railway Research Center at Luleå University of Technology organises webinars, workshops and conferences that are announced in the calendar.
JVTC offers webinars once a month with interesting presentations from both academia and business. Send an email to if you are interested in receiving invitations to JVTC webinars.
🕐 February 7, kl. 10:00–10:45
Reliability optimisation of multi-state consecutive sliding window systems under different activation strategies.
Seyedehnarjes Mahdavinasab
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department: Operation, Maintenance and Acoustics, Luleå University of Technology
🕐 March 7, at 10:00–10:45
The digital railway system
What will the new digital railway system look like and how will it be implemented? Are there technologies that can be put into operation already today? Who do we reunite railway system - rail vehicles and rail infrastructure - with digitalization? What does digital train management and a System-of-Systems look like from a rail operators perspective? Focus on inspiration - but also why we are not there yet.
Presenters: Martin Bäfverfeldt, Bonny Wong, and Peter Melander; Railway Metrics and Dynamics (RMD)
🕐 April 4 at 10:00–10:45
Dependability and risk management in Swedish railway – Experiences from the Swedish Iron Ore Line
Peter Söderholm, Senior Risk Advisor, Trafikverket
🕐 May 9 at 10:00–10:45
🕐 June 13 at 10:00–10:45
🕐 August 8 at 10:00–10:45
🕐 September 5 at 10:00–10:45
🕐 October 3 at 10:00–10:45
🕐 November 7 at 10:00–10:45
🕐 December 5 at 10:00–10:45
International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance
🕐 May 13–15
IAI2025: 8th International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance.
JVTC Member meetings
🕐 February 4, at 10.30–12.00 JVTC Annual Meeting in room F531;
13.00–15.00 Constituent board meeting (LTU)
🕐 April 10, 09.00–12.00 JVTC Strategy meeting for members (online)
🕐 13 May, at 08.30–16.30 JVTC seminar in connection with IAI2025;
15.00–16.30 JVTC board meeting in Luleå
🕐 September 11, at 14.30–16.30 JVTC Board meeting (online)
🕐 October 2, at 08.30–13.00 JVTC Strategy meeting for members, LTU; 13.00–16.00 Study visit/Network meeting
🕐 December 4, at 14.30–16.30 Board meeting (online)
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