A framework for implementing maintenance-related innovations
A framework for implementing maintenance-related innovations and driving change in a digitalised railway.
To develop a framework for implementing maintenance-related innovations and driving change in a digitalised railway.
Projects status and results
Railway is experiencing a major technological transformation, triggered by the implementation of digital technology. This technological transformation affects not only the technical systems, but also regulations, organisations, processes, and individuals. This project will propose a framework for railway digitalisation based on a holistic change management approach. The framework can be utilised in a railway context to ensure risk control in digitalisation. In order to contribute to a greater understanding of the challenges that implementation of innovations within operation and maintenance of the railway system offers, the factors affecting implementation has been investigated and a knowledge based decision support model provided, taking into account multiple stakeholders. An effective method for evaluating and implementing new ways of working that will make use of maintenance-related innovations are being developed.
Sponsor: Trafikverket
Researchers: Veronica Jägare (PhD candidate), Jan Lundberg
Duration: 2014-2022