Climate resilient railway infrastructure: A system innovation approach (CliMaint2Innovate)
Investigate and perform barrier-enabler analyses of system innovation for successful implementation of the projects CliMaint & AdaptUrbanRail.
To reach and achieve a successful implementation of the projects CliMaint & AdaptUrbanRail and contribute to Vinnova's and Trafikverket's strategic area, ‘Sustainable Mobility’, there is a need to (in an early stage of the innovation) investigate and perform barrier-enabler analyses of system innovation for above-mentioned projects. In order to increase the potential to more quickly achieve implementation, up scaling and dissemination of the solution the project will involve and engage related stakeholders in an iterative working process when investigating the innovation´s effect within the system pillars. The project will suggest possible solutions to mitigate obstacles within the system pillars. At this stage, we are focusing more on the three weak pillars:
- Business model, Procurement's process.
- Behaviour, culture and values.
- Policy and regulations while considering the other two pillars reaching the full potential innovation.
Sponsor: Vinnova, Trafikverket, Infranord, SMHI, BnearIT
Researchers: Amir Garmabaki (PL), Ulla Juntti, Veronica Jägare, Uday Kumar, Vinit Parida, Stephen Famurewa, Adithya Thaduri
Duration: 2022