Student projects
Current projects
The student project GLITCH aims to investigate how cosmic radiation affects electronic hardware in the stratosphere. Inspired by an incident in the speedrunning community, Joel Åström and Albin Ringström's project is set to fly aboard the BEXUS balloon in 2025.
Project FENRIR was initiated in the fall of 2023 by five master’s students. The goal of the project is to develop an easy-to-construct, low-cost, and modular platform that can be deployed from a sounding rocket to conduct experiments in a reduced gravity environment. The platform is designed to be r...
RAVEN is a student project at the Kiruna Campus of Luleå University of Technology. The project started in 2020 as a largely theoretical project of designing parts of a rocket. Today the goal is to design, build and launch a hybrid rocket using paraffin wax as fuel and liquid nitrous oxide as oxidize...
APTAS is one of the student projects at the Kiruna Space Campus with the goal to launch the first student-led satellite at Luleå University of Technology. The purpose is to design, build, test, launch and operate a 1U (10cm cube) CubeSat.