Stephane Francois, researcher in applied physics at Luleå University of Technology.
Article on gravitation receives award
Physicists Johan Hansson and Stephane Francois at Luleå University of Technology have been awarded the Honorable Mention Award by the Gravity Research Foundation. They receive the award for their article on how to test gravity quantum mechanically.
- It is very nice that we get this honorable mention, especially considering that so many world-famous physicists have been recognized by the Foundation over the years. It is a recognition that the research we conduct at Luleå University of Technology is of high class, which provides additional motivation and inspiration, says Johan Hansson, Professor of Applied Physics at Luleå University of Technology.
The Gravity Research Foundation is a prestigious foundation established in 1948 in the United States with the mission to increase the understanding of gravity, which is still the least understood force fundamentally. Each year, the foundation awards five papers and also gives other works an Honorable Mention Award, as in this case.
- Our paper is about showing experiments that can investigate the quantum behavior of gravity. One possible solution is to set up a macroscopic system at the ground level so that it behaves as a single atom. Then it is important to investigate how changes occur via gravitational interaction with another system. No one has previously been able to show how to use existing technology to test gravity quantum mechanically, says Stephane Francois, researcher in applied physics at Luleå University of Technology.
The article is titled Testing Quantum Gravity and can be read via the link below.
Stephane Francois
- Doctoral Student
- 0920-492083
- stephane.francois@ltu.se
- Stephane Francois
Johan Hansson
- Professor
- 0920-491072
- c.johan.hansson@ltu.se
- Johan Hansson