Nya Giron
Good Infrastructure for Regional Transformation and Business Development.
New Giron is an EU-funded research and development program for sustainable community building with a specific focus on the social transformation of Kiruna. The project's focus is on infrastructure and buildings where ideas such as a good life, sustainable growth and attractive living environments are included.
In the work of urban transformation, Kiruna municipality has a vision of creating a new model city in the manner of the city's founder Hjalmar Lundbohm. New Giron intends to work with the municipality and its residents to develop solutions where environmentally friendly technology is integrated with social processes for new buildings and infrastructure. Together, we want to create a sustainable city where residents thrive and businesses have the opportunity to flourish.
The project is carried out as an interdisciplinary collaboration between six research groups at Luleå University of Technology; Architecture, Construction, Energy Technology, Industrial Production Environment, Urban Water / Water Technology and Wood Building.
The project ended Dec 2011
European Regional Development Fund
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to reduce regional imbalances in the EU by financing infrastructure, employment and local and regional development. The overall objective of the program is to contribute to long-term sustainable growth by strengthening regional competitiveness and reinforcing the region's position as an innovative and successful region in Europe.