Planning and design for increased walking
Systematic improvement of conditions in the outdoor environment for travelling on foot.
The long-term aim of the project is to encourage more people to choose to walk more often and for pedestrians to be able to walk safely and securely all year round. The aim is to contribute to a systematic improvement of the conditions for pedestrian movements. Pedestrian transport quality is studied in particular, but also the interaction between pedestrians, cyclists and in some cases also moped riders on pedestrian streets and pedestrian and cycle paths with permitted bicycle and moped traffic.
The project studies pedestrians' preferences regarding safety, security, convenience, accessibility, aesthetics regarding different traffic environments, weather conditions, other road users and lighting, etc.The project uses surveys and conversations / walks to gain an understanding of and be able to exemplify how pedestrians choose a route, why certain phenomena become obstacles / are perceived as risky or, on the contrary, attract pedestrians. Pedestrians are studied based on different age groups and the purpose of walking. Both movements without a destination (e.g. recreation) and movements with a destination (e.g. to work and school) are included. Different age groups are studied as people of different ages/life stages have different needs, preferences and conditions for their travel.
The results of the studies are converted into practical planning data in dialogue with traffic planners. The result of the study will be a knowledge base for improved transport quality for pedestrians, as well as better advice on the regulation and design of pedestrian streets with permitted bicycle traffic. The advice should be aimed at Swedish municipalities.
The project was funded within the Swedish Transport Administration's SNE-RPD Center of Excellence - Road, Planning and Design and ran during the period 2010-2012, and was a collaboration between LTU, SLU, Tyréns, Vectura, and Trivector.
Published results, Swedish Transport Administration's development database External link, opens in new window.
Report Swedish Transport Administration: Guidance for pedestrian planning. How to create a pedestrian-friendly society. External link, opens in new window.