Sustainable recovery of phosphorous from mine tailings.
Project team: Ulrika Rova (project leader), Paul Christakopoulos, July Ann Bazar, Katerina Hruzova, Leonidas Matsakas
Partners: LKAB
Duration: 2021
Funded by Vinnova’s Strategic Innovation Programme for Swedish mining and metal producing industry
The overall aim of this pre-study, REVEAL, is to develop and test the feasibility of novel flotation collectors that can optimize resource use and minimize the environmental impact of the Swedish mining industry. Especially, REVEAL targets a sustainable recovery of apatite from mine tailings as a source for phosphorous fertilizers. Residual resources from the forest industry is used to develop low-carbon footprint, biodegradable and non-toxic flotation reagents for beneficiation of mine waste streams. This pre-study will at an early stage assess the impact of the technology to enable new products from current waste streams and it is possibility to contribute towards an expanding circular economy and new business opportunities within and outside Sweden.