Suzanna Törnroth, PhD in Design, explores processes of worlding-with solar energy. Particularly, how society learns, adapts, plan and thrive in an ever-changing technological transition that is largely intangible and detached from our everyday lives. An understanding which could pave ways forward for inclusive conversations and makings of futures.
'Solarscape: The power of humanity in designing solar imaginaries, entangled worlds, and critical sustainable futures' is a thesis exploring the symbiosis of human and material worlds in relation to the renewable energy transition, where worldly structures (i.e. design, planning, governance, media and culture) dictate the way new technologies are adopted into context. In the thesis work, a series of collaborative experiments are conducted – ranging from performative workshops with high school youths, to transdisciplinary expert interviews, to pop-up workshops with local citizens, and interventions in education and pedagogical settings. These sessions highlight ways in which communication and knowledge (co)creation are important avenues in which worlding-with renewable energy occurs.
Rooted in collaborative design and new materialism ecological thinking, the thesis aims to delicately balance perspectives of the situated material environment with the social and relational happenings occurring in context. In a way, the thesis orientates itself towards a scholar-activist nature, seeking ways to pry open the design of seemingly abstract and technical subjects to ways that are inclusive, tangible and approachable. The contributions of the thesis are multiple:
- developing guidance towards a democratic design and planning process for renewable energy,
- motivating grounded change and adoption through inclusive communication practices
- enhancing holistic learning of sustainability and renewable energy topics