Visions in the North
Visions in the North is a project that - in light of the large investments in green transition, technology and infrastructure currently being made in northern Sweden - aims to create sustainable, beautiful and inclusive living environments in the short and long term. To explore how this can be achieved, six interdisciplinary teams have been invited by Rådet för hållbara städer (the Council for Sustainable Cities) and the municipalities of Boden, Gällivare, Kiruna, Luleå, Skellefteå and Umeå.
Researchers from LTU History participate in a team that aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the community Örviken, Skellefteå, with the help of the cultural environments and the actors who are active there. The team is investigating several questions related to how the former mill environment with industrial buildings and its proximity to the water can contribute to sustainable and attractive living environments for Skellefteå residents: How can the area be developed and meet the need for new sustainable and inclusive housing and meeting places while preserving the cultural environment? What will the area look like in 5, 10, 50 years? What is required for Örviken to grow gradually towards a sustainable green/blue district? Are the answers to be found in the historical relationship to the water or how logging has changed the landscape?
ArkDes, Swedish National Center for Architecture and Design
Josefina Nordmark, architect
Dag Avango, professor of history
Jenny Nordmark, architect, set designer and artist
Dan Hallemar, writer
Dag Avango
- Professor tillika ämnesföreträdare
- 0920-491573
- Dag Avango