Cassandra aims to develop a decision support platform for energy saving in households.
In November 2011 the Cassandra-project started with the aim to develop an Open source platform for modelling of energy consumption patterns and consumer response to targeted incentives for energy savings as a support for decisions and planning of novel products and services among energy providers and energy consumers.
Three pilots will be run to empower the Cassandra platform development – both for the data modelling capacity and for the platform usefulness and functionalities:
Pilot 1: A shopping mal in Northern Italy
Pilot 2: A university building in Coventry, UK
Pilot 3: 50 households in a multi-residential building in Northern Sweden
CDT is the main partner from LTU and together with researchers in Social Informatics at LTU our main role is to run the Multi-residential pilot and to perform research in demand-response programmes constructions as visualization of energy consumption as well as user-involvement in development of decisions-support systems.
The project main outcomes will be the aggregation methodology and the framework of key performance indicators for scenario assessment, as well as an expandable software platform that providing different energy stakeholders with the ability to model the energy market, in order to assess scenarios for their own purposes.