Privacy Flag
The project Privacy Flag aims to protect citizens' privacy with user-friendly tools for interaction with websites, smartphone applications and the Internet of Things. It is a European Research project that combines technological and legal expertise.
Privacy Flag is developping a highly scalable privacy monitoring and protection solution with:
- Crowdsourcing mechanisms to identify, monitor and assess privacy-related risks
- Privacy monitoring agents to identify suspicious activities and applications
- Universal Privacy Risk Area Assessment Tool and methodology tailored on European norms on personal data protection
- Personal Data Valuation mechanism
- Privacy enablers against traffic monitoring and finger printing
- User friendly interface informing on the privacy risks when using an application or website
Privacy Flag is building a global knowledge database of identified privacy risks, together with online services to support companies and other stakeholders in becoming privacy-friendly
Period: October 2015 - May 2018
Project manager CDT: Marita Holst
Scientific leader LTU: Anna Ståhlbröst, Assistant Professor Social Informatics
LTU's project partners: IIP (Istituto Italiano per la Privacy), UL (Université du Luxembourg), CTI (Computer technology institute and press), IAITL (International association of IT lawyers), AS (Archimède Solutions), HWC Communications, Mandat Interntaional, Velti, Dunav Net, OTE