SDL 2.0
The Swedish Space Data Lab was initiated in 2019 as a collaboration project between AI Sweden, the Swedish National Space Agency, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, and Luleå University of Technology.
Nationellt Rymddatalabb 2.0 (Feb. 2021 - Nov. 2023)
The Swedish Space Data Lab was initiated in 2019 as a collaboration project between AI Sweden, the Swedish National Space Agency, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, and Luleå University of Technology. Space data is used in a wide range of fields. It is indispensable for, among other things, weather forecasts and monitoring the climate, but it is also extremely important for forestry, agriculture, and other fields in which up-to-date information about vegetation and the land surface is needed. The Swedish Space Data Lab is intended to be a national innovation hub for Swedish authorities using Earth observation data, and for the development of AI-based analysis of the data. The purpose of the lab is to enable the increased use of data from space for the development of society for the benefit of the globe. The goal is to get data, technology, and methodology in place to enable the systematic development of space data-based services and applications. The National Space Data Lab 2.0 builds on the experience from the National Space Data Lab. In this follow-up project, we want to expand our Earth Observation work with Artificial Intelligence, annotated data, "edge learning" and business opportunities. We also continue the organization of hackathons and developer events based on the models we develop and train. Moreover, we will work more with the ecosystem around the National Space Data Lab and identify the opportunities for the commercialization of knowledge that exists.
Funding Partner: Vinnova