Research projects on Political Science
At Luleå University of Technology, we study, among other things, how environmental conflicts are handled, the importance of institutions for efficient and fair resource management and which political instruments are perceived as reliable in the work for a more sustainable society. Here you will find the research projects that are currently underway and also information about previously completed research projects within the research subject Political Science.
Current projects
Digital Dialogue on the Green Transition
The research explores how digital platforms can be used to strengthen the dialogue between industry and civil society. The aim is to create conditions for more inclusive and constructive conversations around complex societal challenges – such as the green transition.
Opportunities for, and Obstacles to, Collective Action in Swedish Wild Boar Management
Managing a Moving Resource – Opportunities for, and Obstacles to, Collective Action in Swedish Wild Boar Management
Towards a more Adaptive Swedish Wild Boar Management
Towards a more Adaptive Swedish Wild Boar Management System with Enhanced Collective Action Capability: Lessons from ASF outbreaks in Sweden and abroad.
Navigating the policy landscape: barriers and synergies in climate and biodiversity policies.
Coalitions, learning and negotiation in the formation of new marine protection areas
Understanding disputed policy change: coalitions, learning and negotiation in the formation of new marine protection areas Researchers: Prof. Annica Sandström (Political Science, LTU) Financier: Formas
Towards a climate neutral long distance travelling 2045
Towards a climate neutral long distance travelling 2045 – technology, travel patterns, high altitude effects Financier: Mistra, 2020-2023 Researchers: Prof. Simon Matti (Political Science, LTU), Royal Institute of Technology/SEED, Chalmers University of Technology/Physical Resource Theory
LEARNFORCLIMATE - Learning to realize multiple forest policy objectives under climate-related stress and disturbances, is supported under the umbrella of the ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue. ForestValue has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under gr...
Mining and Indigenous Peoples: Rights, Regulations and Best Practices
The project aims to develop knowledge and tools to better manage land use conflicts that affect indigenous peoples, the mining industry and the state.
Completed projects
What’s in a Social License to Mine?
Indigenous, industry, and government best practices for social innovation
NEXT – local actors' attitudes to mineral exploration
This study aimed at exploring factors affecting local actors' and citizens’ attitudes to and accepta...
Resource efficient cities
Period: January 2015 - June 2017 Funding: Swedish District Heating (SEK 1,358,653) Participants: As...
Water- and wildlife management in Sweden: a comparative analysis of different multi-level governance
Time period: 2015-2020 Funding: Formas Researchers: Charlotta Söderberg and Annica Sandström
The Prospect of Climate Change Acts as a means for Environmental Policy Integration
Researchers: Prof. Simon Matti & PhD Charlotta Söderberg (Political Science, LTU) Financier: The Sw...
The Prospect of Climate Change Acts as a means for Environmental Policy Integration
Researchers: Prof. Simon Matti & PhD Charlotta Söderberg (Political Science, LTU) Financier: The Sw...
Motivational and contextual mechanisms behind public support for environmental policy measures
Governing sustainability: Exploring motivational and contextual mechanisms behind public support for...
Overcoming large scale collective action problems in an upstream- downstream setting
Overcoming large scale collective action problems in an upstream- downstream setting: A panel-based ...
Extreme weather events and public support for climate change policy
Researchers: Prof. Simon Matti (Political Science, LTU), Dr. Stefan Linde (Political Science, Mid-Sw...
Mistra Sustainable Consumption
Researchers: Prof. Simon Matti (Political Science, LTU), Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers Uni...