Towards a climate neutral long distance travelling 2045
Towards a climate neutral long distance travelling 2045 – technology, travel patterns, high altitude effects
Financier: Mistra, 2020-2023
Researchers: Prof. Simon Matti (Political Science, LTU), Royal Institute of Technology/SEED, Chalmers University of Technology/Physical Resource Theory
The purpose of this project is (1) to demonstrate solutions that can make the development in the long-distance travel sector compatible with the climate goals and (2) to analyse policy combinations (sequences) that can realize such a development. As it is important to quickly reduce the climate impact, the focus is on solutions / instruments that can have an effect within 10-25 years, but which are at the same time compatible with long-term paths towards sustainable development. We will develop policy-based decision-making support that we (as in our previous research) will place great emphasis on presenting for decision-makers and in the public debate.
Simon Matti
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-492331
- Simon Matti