Tayebeh Taheri
2020, PhD thesis 'Precoding and Asymmetric Windowing of OFDM Signals - Energy Confinement in Time, Frequency and Space' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
2017, Licentiate thesis 'Revisiting the OFDM Guard Interval for Reduced Interference and Out-of-Band Emission' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Ericsson Research, Stockholm)
Medhat Mohamad
2019, PhD thesis 'Spectrally Precoded OFDM – Design and Analysis' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
2016, Licentiate thesis 'Design, Analysis and Prototyping of Spectrally Precoded OFDM'
(now with Ericsson Research, Luleå) DiVA External link, opens in new window.
Kubilay Ovacikli
2017, PhD thesis 'Blind Adaptive Extraction of Impulsive Signatures from Sound and Vibration Signals' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
2014, Licentiate thesis 'Blind Enhancement of Harmonically Related Signals by Maximizing Skewness'
(now with Environics Applied Sciences, Tekirdag, Turkey) DiVA External link, opens in new window.
Mikael Håkansson
2014, Licentiate thesis 'Connecting Process Variables to Product Properties in Papermaking: A Multivariate Approach' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Boliden, Skellefteå)
Anders Landström
2014, PhD thesis 'Elliptical Adaptive Structuring Elements for Mathematical Morphology' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
2012, Licentiate thesis 'Adaptive tensor-based morphological filtering and analysis of 3D profile data' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Ericsson Research, Luleå)
Frida Nellros
2013, Licentiate thesis 'Quantitative image analysis: a focus on automated characterization of structures in optical microscopy of iron ore pellets' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Consenz, Stockholm)
Tobias Andersson
2010, PhD thesis 'Estimating particle size distributions based on machine vision' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
2007, Licentiate thesis 'Analysis of 3D surface data for on-line determination of the size distribution of iron ore pellet piles on conveyor belt' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with MBV Systems, Luleå)
Sara Sandberg
2009, PhD thesis 'Low-density parity-check codes: unequal error protection and reduction of clipping effects' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
2005, Licentiate thesis 'Modulation and channel effects in digital communication' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Ericsson Research, Luleå)
Patrik Pääjärvi
2008, PhD thesis 'Blind equalization using third-order moments' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
2005, Licentiate thesis 'Adaptive blind deconvolution using third-order moments: exploiting asymmetry' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Rubico, Luleå)
Martin Sehlstedt
2005, PhD thesis 'Physical layer optimization for transportation of scalable media over AWGN channels' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
2003, Licentiate thesis 'Rate adaption for progressively encoded video over fading AWGN channels' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Ericsson)
Rickard Nilsson
2001, PhD thesis 'Multicarrier modulation: duplexing design and interference/distortion mitigation' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
1999, Licentiate thesis 'Digital communication in wireline and wireless environments' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now senior lecturer with LTU)
Frank Sjöberg
2000, PhD thesis 'The Zipper duplex method in very high-speed digital subscriber lines' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
1998, Licentiate thesis 'High speed communication on twisted-pair wires and low complexity multiuser detectors' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Tieto, Luleå)
Jaap van de Beek
1998, PhD thesis 'Synchronization and channel estimation in OFDM systems' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
1996, Licentiate thesis 'Estimation of synchronization parameters' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now professor with LTU)
Mattias Wahlqvist
1998, Licentiate thesis 'Design and evaluation of an OFDM-based proposal for third generation mobile communication' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Ericsson, Madrid)
Jan-Olof Gustavsson
1997, PhD thesis 'Detection of Signals Corrupted by Non-Gaussian Disturbances' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
1991, Licentiate thesis 'Estimation in non-gaussian noise and classification of welding signals' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now senior lecturer with HKR)
Ove Edfors
1996, PhD thesis 'Low-complexity algorithms in digital receivers' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
1993, Licentiate thesis 'On robust source codes and fast look-up table decoding' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now professor with Lunds Universitet)
Magnus Sandell
1996, PhD thesis 'Design and analysis of estimators for multicarrier modulation and ultrasonic imaging' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
1994, Licentiate thesis 'Spatial decomposition of ultrasonic echoes' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now with Toshiba, Bristol)
Sven Nordebo
1995, PhD thesis 'Robust broadband beamforming and digital filter design: methods and applications' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
1993, Licentiate thesis 'Noise cancelling using spatial filters in broadband adaptive beamformers' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now professor, Linnéuniversitetet)
Håkan Björkegren
1995, PhD thesis 'Digital block transmission and time-of-flight estimation: receiver design and performance analysis'
1993, Licentiate thesis 'Modelling of waveform deformation and time-of-flight estimation'
(now with Ericsson, Stockholm)
Per Ödling
1995, PhD thesis 'Design and analysis of digital receivers' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
1993, Licentiate thesis 'Low complexity digital receivers' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
(now professor with Lunds Universitet)
Lennart Olsson
1993, PhD thesis 'Signal processing applied to acoustic distance estimation and sound classification' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
1986, Licentiate thesis 'Parametrisk signalbehandling med mekaniska och akustiska tillämpningar' DiVA External link, opens in new window.
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