The project contributes to the green transition and a carbon dioxide-neutral steel industry through research efforts in collaboration between Luleå University of Technology, Swerim, and SSAB. The overall goal of the FINAST project is to, through industry-related research and collaboration with the steel industry and surrounding society, contribute with knowledge, tools and competence provision to enable a transition to climate-neutral steel production and use.
Apart from the climate-neutral steelmaking itself, the surrounding societies will have a significant impact from the implementation of the hydrogen infrastructure needed for, e.g. transmission to the industry sites. One key aspect is that the risks related to the potential hazards with hydrogen are evaluated and managed truly and transparently. Hydrogen safety-related research is thereby a prioritized aspect of ensuring that climate-neutral steel production is possible.
Hydrogen security is of critical importance for industrial hydrogen-based energy systems.
There are several knowledge gaps: technical, regulatory and in permit processes. Besides, there is a need for safety training.
Aim and objectives
The aim and objectives of researchers of structural and fire engineering group in the project is primary to fill knowledge gaps at a more fundamental level to provide better understanding to consequences such as:
- Radiative heat transfer from hydrogen jet flames to surrounding objects
- Explosion loads from hydrogen gas explosions and interactions with surrounding objects. Structural stability of buildings exposed to inner and outer hydrogen has explosions and risk mitigation methods
- Analysis of safety distances
Other objectives investigated are related to:
- Firefighter tactics at hydrogen gas accidents, i.e. research with input and knowledge exchange from the rescue services of Norrbotten
- Permit and other regulatory questions both in Sweden and Europe.
Financer: Tillväxtverket and EU-funding
Timeline: Project start in 2022-11 and Project end (planned) 2026-03
Principal Investigator: Jens Hardell (Project managers)
Principal Investigator Hydrogen Safety: Michael Försth (Professor).
Team members for Hydrogen Safety: Rhoda Afriyie Mensah (Post-doctor), Joakim Sandström (Senior lecturer), Oisik Das (Associate professor), Lucas Andersson (PhD-student) and Andrea Correa (PhD-student).
The FINAST External link.-project is a continuous collaboration between research disciplines part of the CH2ESS
External link. network at Luleå University of Technology, Swerim, and SSAB.
Michael Försth
- Professor, Programme Director
- 0920-491265
- Michael Försth
Rhoda Afriyie Mensah
Joakim Sandström
- Senior Lecturer
- 0920-493914
- Joakim Sandström
Oisik Das
- Associate Professor
- 0920-492193
- Oisik Das
Lucas Andersson
- Doctoral Student
- 0920-493482
- Lucas Andersson
Mélida Andrea Correa Guaña
- Doctoral Student
- 0920-491504
- Mélida Andrea Correa Guaña