Public defence of doctoral thesis in Urban Water Engineering – Hendrik Rujner
On September 27 at 9 a.m., Hendrik Rujner will give his dissertation in Urban Water Engineering. Hendrik has investigated the hydrological function of green swales through field trials and long-term monitoring of swales in Luleå and Skellefteå.
The title of the dissertation is "Hydrologic effectiveness of vegetated swales in controlling urban stormwater". The defence takes place at Luleå University of Technology in room E632 and the opponent is Dr. Elizabeth Fassman-Beck of the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP), Costa Mesa, California, USA. Chair is assistant professor Inga Herrmann, Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Resources, Luleå University of Technology.
Welcome to follow the defence on site or online via Zoom. Contact for information about the link.