Technology Leap - the perfect opportunity to explore an engineering perspective
Malva Stensson wanted to try something new after graduating from high school in Lund and moved to Luleå in the fall to do a four-month internship in urban water engineering at Luleå University of Technology within the framework of Technology Leap (Tekniksprånget).
"I've always been interested in biology and chemistry, but I wanted to explore a technical perspective. Moving 150 miles away from home may not have been the plan, but this was the perfect opportunity," says Malva.
She has mainly worked on Stephanie Rusch Fehrmann's bioreactor project, contributing to the design, construction and start-up of the experiment. She has also assisted with administrative tasks, lab and field work, and participated in study visits. What Malva got out of this experience is the joy that the research group is putting into its work and the team spirit.
"These months have been incredibly educational and fun. They might probably result in a civil engineering education for me," Malva says with a smile.