Early warning system - Is this something for our municipalities? (2007-2008)
In this project different methods which are used today to detect disturbances in the availability and quality of fresh water and thus avoid any threat to the water supply are investigated.
The focus is on the raw water but warning systems to be used for the water distribution system is also dealt with. The aim of this investigation is that it could provide the basis for a further development of early warning systems for the water supply system. Existing warning systems which are used nationally and internationally have been investigated and evaluated, both functionally and concerning costs.
Projektet finansieras av Svenskt Vatten utveckling och medverkande kommuner och bolag är Göteborg Vatten, Stockholm Vatten, Sydvatten, Luleå kommun Skellefteå kommun.
This project is financed by the The Swedish Water & Wastewater Association. Participating municipalities and water companies are Göteborg Vatten, Stockholm Vatten, Sydvatten, Luleå kommun Skellefteå kommun.
Project leader Annelie Hedström. Robert Jönsson och Anna Mäki, Vatten & Miljöbyrån, Luleå, contribute to the project.
Annelie Hedström